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 Articles writing by Mr. IT-man - сторінка 29 

Про автора

Laravel Array Helpers

I found a very good article when browsing the laravel news blog that talks about Laravel Array...

IT by Mr. IT-man 26 Березня 2023  17

Upgrade your project to PHP 8.2 with Rector

I wanted to upgrade a project to PHP 8.2 and figured I could use Rector for this. Not only was that...

IT by Mr. IT-man 26 Березня 2023  22

Final and Readonly Classes in PHP

final classes In the past, when you didn't want other classes to extend a certain class,...

IT by Mr. IT-man 26 Березня 2023  50

Reducing Errors With Type Hinting in PHP

This article was originally written by Adebayo Adams on the Honeybadger Developer Blog.* Errors,...

IT by Mr. IT-man 26 Березня 2023  17

How To Manage DateTime with Carbon in Laravel and PHP

Welcome to #DevelopersLab101 Laravel is a popular PHP web application framework that provides a...

IT by Mr. IT-man 26 Березня 2023  29

Return Types In PHP

Return types in PHP refer to the type of data returned by a function in PHP. In strongly typed...

IT by Mr. IT-man 26 Березня 2023  9

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