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 IT - сторінка 8  Категорія IT

The Top 6 Data Science Programming Languages to Learn in 2024

Nowadays the field of data science is experiencing growth. There is a demand, for individuals who...

IT by Mr. IT-man 25 Грудня 2023  27

Mastering SOLID Principles in C# Building Robust and Maintainable Software

In C#, the SOLID principles are a set of five design principles that help make software more...

IT by Mr. IT-man 25 Грудня 2023  10

The 5 C# PDF Libraries Every Developer Mostly Use

C# is a powerful programming language, widely used for software development across various domains....

IT by Mr. IT-man 25 Грудня 2023  20

How to use cURL in PHP

If you're working with PHP and need to get or send data from a website, cURL is the tool you'll need....

IT by Mr. IT-man 25 Грудня 2023  10

How to install PHP 8.2 and Laravel version 10 in Ubuntu

Install Ubuntu basic dependency: sudo apt install curl software-properties-common ca-certificates...

IT by Mr. IT-man 25 Грудня 2023  18

Exploring Polymorphism: Understanding Flexibility in Object-Oriented Programming

Polymorphism, derived from the Greek terms 'poly' (meaning many) and 'morphos' (meaning shapes)

IT by Mr. IT-man 25 Грудня 2023  24

Unveiling the power of Inheritance in Object Oriented Programming

Inheritance is a fundamental concept in Object-Oriented Programming that involves the creation of a...

IT by Mr. IT-man 25 Грудня 2023  5

Abstraction in Object-Oriented Programming

Abstraction is an essential concept in Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)  It's the process of hiding...

IT by Mr. IT-man 25 Грудня 2023  14

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