This post seeks to present entity and DTO in a low complexity aiming at the beginner...
Ubuntu is a popular open-source operating system that is based on the Debian Linux distribution. It...
Git is a popular version control system that is widely used by software developers to track changes...
VS Code is a pretty popular code editor. In my oppinion that popularity is completely earned. But on...
We're very close to 2023 and we all expect an explosion of AI-based tools in the new year and for a...
As the software industry continues to grow and evolve, certain skills and expertise will become
Працюючи з розподіленими системами ви, швидше за все, насамперед ознайомитеся з різними патернами взаємодії. Більшість програмістів чудово обізнані про існуючі варіанти.
Python і Golang - одні з найбільш затребуваних мов у світі DevOps.