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PostgreSQL Common Commands

PostgreSQL Common Commands

PostgreSQL Common Command You Need to know Creating user,Creating Database,Giving the user...

PostgreSQL Common Command You Need to know

Creating user,Creating Database,Giving the user a password & Granting privileges on database

sudo -u postgres psql
postgres=# create database mydb;
postgres=# create user myuser with encrypted password 'mypass';
postgres=# grant all privileges on database mydb to myuser;

Creating user

$ sudo -u postgres createuser 

Creating Database

$ sudo -u postgres createdb 

Giving the user a password

$ sudo -u postgres psql
psql=# alter user  with encrypted password '';

Granting privileges on database

psql=# grant all privileges on database  to  ;

Psql commands

psql=# \l List available databases

psql=# \c dbname Switch connection to a new database

psql=#\dt List available tables

psql=#\d table_name Describe a table such as a column, type, modifiers of columns, etc.

psql=#\dn List all schemes of the currently connected database

psql=#\df List available functions in the current database

psql=#\dv List available views in the current database

psql=#\du List all users and their assign roles

psql=#\h Get help

psql=#\? Know all available psql commands

psql=#\q Exit psql shell

psql=#SELECT version();*Retrieve the current version of PostgreSQL server

Ресурс : dev.to

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