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 Результат пошуку по запиту devops - сторінка 2 


Kubernetes Secret Management

Kubernetes secret management plays a vital role in ensuring the security and integrity of...

by Mr. IT-man 22 Грудня 2023

Securing Kubernetes: Adding a new hostname or IP address to Kubernetes API Server

$:# kubectl get ns Unable to connect to the server: x509: certificate is valid ... $:# Enter...

by Mr. IT-man 02 Грудня 2023

5 Docker Extensions to 4.2x your Productivity

I'm not going to lie, no Docker Extension will ever 4.2x or even 10x your productivity. Nevertheless,...

by @author 02 Грудня 2023

Kubernetes DaemonSet: Practical Guide to Monitoring in Kubernetes

As teams moved their deployment infrastructure to containers, monitoring and logging methods changed...

by Mr. IT-man 02 Грудня 2023

How to Maximize Performance with DevOps Test Automation

Introduction Effective software testing is a crucial aspect of development. However, manual testing...

by @author 19 Листопада 2023

DevOps Interview: Ansible Vaults Commands and Usuage

Ansible Vault is one of the most powerful features provided by Ansible. It is very useful when we are...

by Mr. IT-man 19 Листопада 2023

Top Kubernetes Tools: Mastering Container Orchestration

Containerization has revolutionized the way we develop, deploy, and manage applications. tools to help devops.

by Mr. IT-man 26 Вересня 2023

What Is AWS AppConfig?

AppConfig is a service offering from AWS that helps you to efficiently create, manage and deploy your app

by Mr. IT-man 18 Липня 2023

Setup local development environment and run tests of PHP Twig

Make it easy for a new developer to get started with the project

by Mr. IT-man 26 Березня 2023

Set up Jenkins with HTTPS

Here is a quick guide on how to set up Jenkins with HTTPS. There are numerous guides available,...

by Mr. IT-man 06 Березня 2023

Trigger GitHub Workflow for Comments on Pull Request

GitHub Actions is a powerful feature that allows developers to automate tasks and build workflows that can be triggered in response to events such as push, pull request creation, issue creation, and many others. In this article, we'll explore how you can

by Mr. IT-man 20 Лютого 2023

GIT Flow

Gitflow Workflow is a Git workflow that helps with continuous software development and implementing

by Mr. IT-man 15 Січня 2023

Docker Cheat Sheet all You Need To Know About Docker Command

Docker is a platform that allows developers to create, deploy, and run applications in a...

by Mr. IT-man 14 Січня 2023

Container Orchestration and Kubernetes

Containers quickly became the norm for how we built and packaged our applications. They made the...

by Mr. IT-man 12 Січня 2023

CI/CD Tutorial For Developers

DevOps continues to grow in popularity among software development teams. It’s not surprising, given...

by Mr. IT-man 28 Грудня 2022

DevOps Trends for Developers in 2023

Nowadays, every organization is considered a software organization. With the rise in cloud-native...

by Mr. IT-man 28 Грудня 2022

Dynamic PostgreSQL credentials using HashiCorp Vault (with PHP Symfony & Go examples)

I was playing around with HashiCorp Vault, trying to integrate dynamic secrets (one of many features...

by Mr. IT-man 25 Серпня 2022

useradd vs adduser: Which command to use?

Linux is amazing! Let me tell you what made me say so. There are multiple ways to perform a function...

by @author 29 Травня 2022

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