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Mastering Client-Side Routing with React Router DOM 6.25.1

Mastering Client-Side Routing with React Router DOM 6.25.1

React Router DOM is a powerful library that facilitates seamless client-side routing in React applications

Navigating a single-page application (SPA) can be challenging without a robust routing system. React Router DOM is a powerful library that facilitates seamless client-side routing in React applications. This blog post will walk you through the essential concepts and usage of React Router DOM 6.25.1 to create a dynamic and responsive web application.

Adding a Router

Setting Up the Root Component

First, let's create a Root component that will serve as the layout for our application, including a header, footer, and an outlet for rendering child components.

import React from "react";
import React from "react";
import { Outlet } from "react-router-dom";

const Root = () => {
  return (
      <Header />
      <Outlet />
      <Footer />

export default Root;

Creating a Browser Router

To enable client-side routing, we need to create a Browser Router and configure our routes.

import { createBrowserRouter, RouterProvider } from "react-router-dom";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import Root from './Root';
import Dashboard from './Dashboard';
import About from './About';
import User from './User'
import BigSpinner from './BigSpinner';

const router = createBrowserRouter([
    path: "/",
    element: <Root />,
    children: [
      { path: "dashboard", element: <Dashboard /> },
      { path: "about", element: <About /> },
      {path="user/:id" element={<User />},

  <RouterProvider router={router} fallbackElement={<BigSpinner />} />

Fallback Element

If you are not server-rendering your app, createBrowserRouter will initiate all matching route loaders when it mounts. During this time, you can provide a fallbackElement to indicate that the app is working.

  fallbackElement={<SpinnerOfDoom />}

Alternative Route Creation Method

Alternatively, you can use createRoutesFromElements to define your routes.

import {
} from "react-router-dom";
import Root from './Root';
import Dashboard from './Dashboard';
import About from './About';

const router = createBrowserRouter(
    <Route path="/" element={<Root />}>
      <Route path="dashboard" element={<Dashboard />} />
      <Route path="about" element={<About />} />
      <Route path="user/:id" element={<User />}

Navigation Components


A component allows users to navigate to another page by clicking or tapping on it. It renders an accessible element with a real href .

    <li><Link to="/">Home</Link></li>
    <li><Link to="/services">Services</Link></li>
    <li><Link to="/contact">Contact</Link></li>
    <li><Link to="/about">About Us</Link></li>

Using <navlink></navlink>

A <navlink></navlink> is a special kind of <Link> that knows whether or not it is "active," "pending," or "transitioning."

    <NavLink className={({ isActive }) => (isActive ? "active" : "")} to="/">
    <NavLink className={({ isActive }) => (isActive ? "active" : "")} to="/services">
    <NavLink to="/contact">Contact</NavLink>
    <NavLink to="/about">About Us</NavLink>

Using <outlet></outlet>

An <outlet></outlet> renders the child route elements. It is used in parent route components to display nested routes.

Programmatic Navigation

Using useNavigate

The useNavigate hook provides a way to navigate programmatically.

import { useNavigate } from 'react-router-dom';

function Home() {
  const navigate = useNavigate();
  const goToAbout = () => {

  return (
      <h1>Home Page</h1>
      <button onClick={goToAbout}>Go to About</button>

Using useParams

The useParams hook returns an object of key/value pairs of the dynamic parameters from the current URL.

import { useParams } from 'react-router-dom';

function UserProfile() {
  const { userId } = useParams();

  return (
      <h1>User Profile for User ID: {userId}</h1>

Nested Routes

React Router DOM supports nested routes, allowing you to define routes within other routes.

<Route path="project" element={<Projects />}>
  <Route index element={<h1>Feature Project</h1>} />
  <Route path="all" element={<h1>All Projects</h1>} />
  <Route path="feature" element={<h1>Feature Project</h1>} />
  <Route path="new" element={<h1>New Project</h1>} />

In this example, the index route specifies the default content to render when /project is accessed.


React Router DOM 6.25.1 simplifies the process of client-side routing in React applications. With features like programmatic navigation, nested routes, and hooks like useNavigate and useParams , you can build dynamic and responsive web applications with ease. Whether you're developing a small app or a large-scale project, React Router DOM provides the tools you need to manage routing effectively.

Теги #React #Router
Ресурс : dev.to

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