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10 Github repositories to achieve Javascript mastery

10 Github repositories to achieve Javascript mastery

10 Github repositories that are going to be useful for Javascript developers of all experience levels

In this article, we'll take a look at 10 publicly available Github repositories that will take your Javascript skills to the truly next level!

Whether you're a complete beginner to the language or have been developing with JS for a while, there's something for everyone here. Without any further ado, let's jump in.

33 Concepts Every JavaScript Developer Should Know 

Like the name suggests, this repo contains a list of 33 Javascript concepts that every 'good' Javascript developer should know about.

Each concept also has a bunch of learning resources to learn more about it and with the various articles and videos shared, it is hard not to learn it well.

Javascript questions 

This repository lets you:

  • test how well you know JavaScript,
  • refresh your knowledge a bit,
  • or prepare for your coding interview!

It contains questions from basic to advanced and is updated regularly with new questions. The answer to each question is present in the collapsed section below each question that you can click to expand (but don't cheat!!!)

If you're the kind of person who followsSolving a question a day keeps unemployment away then this is the perfect repo for you.

You don't know JS 

If you want to learn the language inside out, this is the place for you to be in. It is a series of books designed to take you from a newbie to a seasoned developer who has sound understanding of how things work behind the scenes in Javascript.

It dives deep into the core mechanisms of the Javascript language and is available online completely for free.

You should not miss this one if you want to have a firm grasp over the language!

Airbnb Javascript style guide 

This is one of the most famous Javascript resource on the internet today and rightly so.

It contains a set of guidelines and best practices to code in Javascript and was originally written by the engineering team of Airbnb.

It covers various aspects of Javascript and provides detailed recommendations on a plethora of topics.

Totally worth checking out!

Tech interview handbook 

If you are reading this, chances are that at some point, you'll be appearing for a tech interview.

As such, this can be an immensely useful resource for you.

Having benefitted over 500,000 people, this handbook saves you the trouble of the sometimes recommended rote practice of grinding competitive programming questions.

This repo has practical content that covers all phases of a technical interview, from applying for a job to passing the interviews to offer negotiation.

The Algorithm - Javascript 

This is another one of those wildly popular resource on the internet that is well worth checking out. It focuses on implementing various data structures and algorithms in Javascript ranging from the basic ones like sorting and searching to complex ones such as dynamic programming.

You'll find detailed explanations code snippets for each!

Awesome Javascript 

This repo contains a list of awesome browser-side libraries, resources and other shiny things, all in Javascript.

It covers everything from package managers, loaders, bundlers and transpilers to UI tools, utilities, gestures, maps, animation and what not.

If any browser-side magic can be done with Javascript, chances are, you'll find it listed here.

Definitely start this and keep it for future reference.


If you've been developing in Javascript, chances are that every one in a while you'll encounter something quirky about it.

As a language, Javascript is filled with these little tricky things that sometimes annoy so much.

If any of the above two sentences resonated with you then look no further.

This repo contains a list of many, many such concepts that are tricky to understand as a new developer.

Jump in and have fun!

Effective Engineer Notes 

"They are the people who get things done. Effective Engineers produce results."

If you want to be an effective engineer, you'll have to learn and unlearn and re-learn a lot over the course of your career.

As such, this gist will help you adopt the right mindset and know what to do as well as what not to do.

This can be one of most useful resource out there if you take proper advantage of it!

Free programming books 

No matter how many courses I watch and how many youtube videos I go through, books are still the gold standard when it comes to learning new stuff.

If you're like me then this repo is for you.

It is a collection of programming books that are freely available to anyone.

It is one of the most famous repositories out there with over 271,000+ stars on Github.

Ресурс : dev.to

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